Development Center

Universitas Islam Riau


Development Center is a unit that support academic needs of students in specific areas during their study in UIR. Our university provides services for students who wish to develop certain skills academically and/or students who face difficulties within their academic skills.

There are two main services provided; learning and language development services.

  1. Learning Development covers:
    1. Academic Writing
    2. Tutorial and Mentoring
    3. Study Skills
    4. IT and Computer
    5. Webinar and Workshop
  2. Language Development includes:
    1. Academic Writing
    2. Tutorial and Mentoring
    3. Study Skills
    4. IT and Computer
    5. Webinar and Workshop

Islam Riau

Learning Development Center

Universitas Islam Riau

Kaharuddin Nasution No.113, Marpoyan, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia Postal Code 28284

Email : pusatbahasa@uir.ac.id
WA : 0812-6789-5515